Saturday, August 1, 2009

Where we all call ‘Home’ …


Hello …
Few days back … on recommendation from some of my friends …
I downloaded and watched a documentary called ‘Home’
And I tell you … it was awesome … it totally blew my mind …
Home by Yann Arthus-Bertrand is a beautifully shot panorama …
Planet Earth and the damage done to it by modern humanity …
The film has breathtaking aerial footage from 54 countries …
Showing the pure beauty of our planet with amazing facts …
Glenn Close narrates the journey with very good original music …
We are shown the history of Earth how everything came about …
And how everything is interconnected and balance maintained …

Read the rest of the review from subcorpus blog


  1. i saw this on top of mvblogs. highly recommend this to all maldivians. there is a part about maldives as well.

  2. this Documentary is one of the heart breaking but one of the best documentaries that i have seen in recent times...
