Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Nueve reinas

Think Hollywood is the place where caper movies come alive? Far from it – especially if you're looking for a smart caper movie... Okay, I'll grant you this; I haven't heard of a lot of foreign or independent filmmakers doing an exceptional job at a caper flick...

All the more reason why 'Nueve reinas' (Nine Queens) stands out...

Promotional artwork (English) for Nueve reinas

Oh and if the plot seems a tad familiar to you... remember this... 'Bluffmaster' came out in 2005... Nueve reinas was released in 2000!


  1. I liked Nine Queens quite a bit (though I enjoyed the director's second and last film, El Aura, a bit more).

    Fabián Bielinsky died of a heart attack in 2006 at only 47 years of age.


  2. Wow!!! i might be outta my league here...I like foreign movies but just dont have the time to really watch anything. are you guys like involved in movie making????

  3. harry d.:

    It's a shame isn't it... losing such a talent...

    I've just bought El Aura on DVD, but haven't had the time to watch... but I'm getting a good feeling about my purchase thanks to your comment.

    princess nyssa:

    Some of us are (involved in film making)... however all of us... we're passionate about watching films with unique stories/perspectives... although, from the state of our blog, we seem to be working more than watching and exploring film... which isn't necessarily a bad thing... especially for those of us working on film projects...

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I keep checking back, hoping you will update this blog!

    FYI, I am a filmmaker too. I just released my film after showing at a film festival this year. If you would like to take a look, please check out

    (It is feature-length, and you can download the high quality DVD for free under Creative Commons).

    And please post more :) !!
