Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bed wetting music: are we afraid of our soft side?

A friend once told me that he came across a review which said that Coldplay’s music was “music for bed wetters.”

I told this to another friend and his interpretation was this: “Coldplay seems to be afraid to go to the dark side. And since bed wetters are children and people who are afraid of the dark, I guess that’s what’s the reviewer meant. In fact, I also think Coldplay’s music is bed wetting music.”

Another friend then commented that like Coldplay, Hindi music is also bed wetting music.

“Hindi music is soft and sentimental. Not at all like Cradle of Filth and Slipknot,” he said.

I don’t know why but I keep wondering whether these people are too afraid of their soft side! They want to be or at least appear to be tough!

I think what’s tougher and braver is actually accepting and coming to terms with your soft side.

I love Coldplay because their music is melancholic. And like Slipknot and Cradle of Filth, I believe Coldplay is equally talented too though they choose not to indulge in metal because I guess it is only through melancholic music that the feeling of songs like “Speed of Sound” and “Hardest Part” can be conveyed.

- Hilath


Anonymous said...

well everybody has their own tastes. i don't think any type of music should be labelled as "bed wetters" music, because well, it is music. your friend says that coldplay is AFRAID to go to the darkside.
do they have to go to this "darkside" if they don't want to?
there are other bands who lurk in this so called "dark side", as he mentions cradle of filth and slipknot.
both bands that i do not admire very much, though i'm a huge fan of heavy metal music.
i am not a huge fan of coldplay either, but i was introduced to the song "Hardest part" by you and to this day i continue listening to it. hehe, (tip: listen to it at a high volume with headphones, you will notice a part of the song really...cool)

well then if thats "bed wetters" music, cradle of filth and slipknot are photophobic music.

Ismail Khilath Rasheed - journalist and blogger from Maldives said...

Hi Anonymous. I guess then you must be one of my ganja gang dho?! heh heh

Anonymous said...

It's always lovely to see a person appreciate the softer, more melancholic and non-mainstream music. I'm not a die-hard Coldplay fan, but do love me some Antony & the Johnsons, Devendra Banhart & Nouvelle Vague.

Anonymous said...

Damn. I must have coded the links incorrectly or something.


Anonymous said...

@ hilath - i'm the who guy bought the biggest bag of biscuits haha

Ismail Khilath Rasheed - journalist and blogger from Maldives said...

yeah, i know... we will never forget you for buying us the biggest bag of biscuits on that memorable ganja night when we listened to that amazing Coldplay song "Hardest Part." Hope you are keeping it up! By "we" you know the gang dho! heh heh

Anonymous said...

Good post.

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